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This Sunday, December 5, the long-awaited interview with Kiko rivera (37 years old) in Planeta Calleja, the program presented by Jesus Calleja (56). It was last April when they both recorded the special through a unforgettable trip to Nepal. As always when he gives interviews, the son of Isabel Pantoja (56) has made great headlines for posterity. The DJ has not overlooked any subject and has spoken like never before about his drug addiction, of his relationship with his mother and of the fortune he squandered in the past for his bad habits.
In addition to bathing with elephants, breaking into a wedding and trying rafting descent, Kiko has confessed that, after Cantora: the poisoned inheritance, he had a relapse in their addictions from which, fortunately, she managed to leave for her children and thanks to the unconditional support of the great pillar of her life, Irene Rosales (30).
Kiko Rivera chatting with Jesús Calleja in Nepal. Mediaset
“I got off drugs, mostly because of my wife. Irene is the most important thing I have in my life with my children“, the interpreter has confessed, telling Calleja that it was the Sevillian who, desperate, she called Isabel Pantoja to tell her about the problem her son had. “The correct thing would have been to enter a detoxification center, but I was afraid that people would find out. I decided to go to a house that my mother has in El Rocío,” he explained, charging against the singer who, in a way , guilt of his addictions: “It was the only time I felt my mother by my side. Later he never asked me again how I was, how I felt, if I had done it again or not … If my mother had been more attentive I would not have had hundreds of relapses “.
Very hurt with the tonadillera -the program was recorded months ago, when his grandmother had not yet died, Ana Martin, not even the DJ had been reunited with his mother-, Kiko confessed that “I still love my mother, was my example to follow and I have to assimilate everything that is happening“.
Kiko Rivera on an elephant in Nepal. Mediaset
And he adds: “I am not the perfect son, but I have never had a word towards her, until I saw with my own eyes that the one who did not respect me was her.” At one point in the conversation, Rivera confessed that whoever gave him “Kisses, hugs and comfort“In her childhood she was her grandmother:” If you want us to talk about love, we have to talk about my grandmother, not my mother. That was the one that gave me love. Being a mother is not only giving birth. Give birth can be done by anyone. Be a mother, no“.
More sincere than ever, Kiko has told for the first time what happened when his war with Isabel Pantoja broke out at the end of 2020, revealing that “I had a relapse. I took refuge in cocaine, again “.”In the end we are weak and the drug destroys the weak. I have been a drug addict. I started using when I was 17 or 18 years old and I have had times when I have consumed up to four and five grams of cocaine a day. To this day I am fine although I have the devil on my shoulder “, although if something is clear it is that it will not relapse because”It is something that my daughters cannot see and less of their father“.
Speaking of her daughters, Kiko has spoken of the rejection that he felt for his youngest daughter both before her birth and when he came into the world to find himself sunk by his addictions. “I was very bad and did not accept that pregnancy. The nine months I did not touch the belly even once. I didn’t want her, even, the day of his birth either. But, little by little, he was winning over me, “he confessed with tears in his eyes, revealing that although he loves his three children” equally “,” my Carlota, alone, has won me every day, she is the most affectionate “.
Your financial situation
Kiko Rivera confessing with Jesús Calleja. Mediaset
In addition, Kiko has spoken about how his economy is after a difficult season in which, with hardly any income because of the pandemicHe regretted not knowing how to manage the fortune he earned years ago.
“Now I’m doing well. I do between 80 and 100 bowling a year and earn between 4,000 and 7,000 euros, it depends. But it hasn’t always been good for me. I’ve been ruined twice in my life. At 22 I was ruined and then I was ruined again, “Kiko told a stunned Jesús Calleja, who could not believe when the DJ, as clear as usual, has revealed what he has gained in his life and how he wasted it.
“I will have earned in my life between 7 or 8 million euros, but I had 10 cars in my house, I had a boat, a jet ski. I got to charge up to 25,000 euros for two hours of photos and I have come out of the bolus without pasta. I invited everything you can imagine to my friends. Planes, hotels, food, party … Everything wasted. Then I changed and got rid of bad friends, “he concluded.
[Más información: Isabel Pantoja, embargada: la Agencia Tributaria suma una nueva deuda sobre Cantora]
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