Posted: Nov 22, 2021 21:13 GMT
In addition, the CNE confirmed that the ruling party has won 18 of the 23 governorates, while the results are still to be defined in the states of Apure and Barinas.
The results of the second bulletin of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) confirm that Chavismo swept at least 205 mayors out of the 335 in dispute, although there are still 13 municipalities to be defined.
Meanwhile, 59 of the mayoralties were awarded to the opposition grouped in the so-called Democratic Unity Table (MUD), 37 remained for the Democratic Alliance and 21 to other anti-Chavez parties, explained the president of the CNE, Pedro Calzadilla.
#Now Pdte. Calzadilla announces that of the 335 positions for mayors and mayors, 322 are adjudicable. 205 for the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), 59 for the Democratic Unity Table (MUD), 37 for the Democratic Alliance and 21 for other parties. # EleccionesRegionalesyMunicipales2021
– cneesvenezuela (@cneesvzla) November 22, 2021
In televised statements, Calzadilla also detailed that 21 governorships have already been awarded to the winning candidates, while the final scrutiny is still awaited to determine who will remain in charge of the states of Apure and Barinas.
As for the governorships, 18 were awarded to the Chavismo parties that make up the Great Patriotic Pole, two to the opposition sector agglomerated called the Democratic Unity Table (MUD), and the last to the opposition party Fuerza Vecinal.
In the case of Barinas and Apure, the CNE expects to count 0.8% of the votes that remain to be counted, since the results are very close.
After the second bulletin, Chavismo has been awarded in the states of Amazonas, Anzoátegui, Aragua, Bolívar, Carabobo, Delta Amacuro, Falcón, Guárico, Lara, La Guaira, Mérida, Miranda, Monagas, Portuguesa, Sucre, Táchira, Trujillo and Yaracuy .
On the other hand, the various opposition factors have taken over the governorships of the Cojedes, Nueva Esparta and Zulia states.
In Caracas, the mayor of the Venezuelan capital has been awarded to the representative of Chavismo, Carmen Meléndez. Another relevant piece of information is that Chavismo has won 21 of the 24 capital city mayors of the country.
The president of the CNE highlighted that the results of this second bulletin of the Regional and Municipal Elections of 2021, which had a participation of 42.26% (more than 8 million people), have been given with 99.20% of transmission of the minutes.
For these elections, more than 21 million voters were called to elect 3,082 public offices distributed in 23 governorates, 335 mayors and seats for the State Legislative Councils and the municipal chambers.
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