Experience a new future with Blade Runner: Black Lotus, an unique animated collection from Grownup Swim and Crunchyroll impressed by the award-winning and...
Tag - Blade
The primary sequence of the Blade Runner universe is now able to premiere. The present, Black Lotus, launched its first trailer and an official poster. As a...
The miniseries WandaVision (Jac Schaeffer, 2021), which is now accessible in full on Disney Plus, has left us in its 9 chapters a great deal of references to...
By Rodolfo León zero COMMENTS 03/03/2021 2:57 pm As revealed to us a few years in the past, Marvel is already engaged on a movie reboot of Blade with...
After the primary advances of ZTE and Oppo, many rumors started to discuss the likelihood that Samsung was additionally getting ready the arrival of its...
Razer has introduced its 2021 line of Blade laptops, with a glossy type issue that matches Intel’s upcoming 11th Gen cores. Private computer systems even have...