A 33-year-old woman named Debra Jeter pleaded guilty to attempting murder and murder on Tuesday. She has been convicted for the attack in Hillsboro which killed one of her daughters and brutally injured the other. Debra Jetter spoke to her estranged husband and her surviving daughter before being sent to the state prison. She said sorry to both of them for committing such a deadly felony. This case was one of those buzzing on social media and made many headlines in national media. This case shattered and saddened many people all across the country.
Debra has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Debra has been sent to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison unit in Gatesville on Thursday. Plea from Debra’s side saved her from the death penalty for committing the deadly felony. Debra spoke to her estranged husband and her surviving daughter before being sent to the Texas Department of the criminal justice prison unit in Gatesville on Friday. Debra stated that she still hates her estranged husband, she has no love left for him in her heart but she is sorry.
She said sorry to her estranged husband for what she did. She also spoke to her surviving daughter as we told above, and the mother and daughter had a decent conversation. According to the reports mother and daughter had a little nice time, they shared some laughs. She also stated that now she will never get this chance of laughing and talking to her in the outside world. Debra also stated why she committed this felony. Debra stated that she attacked Kirsten and her sister Kelsey because she was heart-wrenched. After her parents Debra and her husband were splitting and fighting for custody.
She further continued and stated she did this so that everybody would be out of pain forever. Debra is in police custody since 5 June 2009. Debra called the police department and informed them that she has killed her daughter. Police officials hastened to the incident spot and found 12 years old Kelsey Leanne lifeless and 13 years old Kiersten Leigh lying injured badly in the bedroom. Police officials stated that Kiersten was stabbed in her back by her mother after she came in between to save her sister from her mother. Debra called the officials to that she killed her baby. For all the latest national and international updates, news and information stay tuned with us.
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